6/11 He took a bowl of spaghetti O's to the guest bedroom, in the new house that we had just moved into 4 months prior, where he proceeded to drop the entire bowl onto our off white carpet.
In his desperate attempt to fix the problem, he used the bath towels and a few linens to try and wipe it up. All this did was grind the sauce and pasta into the carpet. Some people might be really mad about that part of the story, but it gets better.
Since he didn't know where the carpet cleaner was, or the steam vac, and since he didn't want to bother my wife or I with his screw up, he proceeded to use bleach to try and "make the stain disappear." After he left our home, two days later, we found the mess and attempted to clean it up with the steam vac. It removed the majority of the red sauce, but once it dried, if became obvious that the carpets had been bleached.
I know you're wondering, what ass hole would do such a thing? That responsible person would be my father in law.
(Photo: iStock)