The Gallows - Review
- Publish Date
- Friday, 24 July 2015, 4:19PM

From the Horror-pumping production company ‘Blumhouse productions’ comes the latest in the ‘Found footage’ genre, ‘The Gallows’. Directed by Travis Cluff and Chris Lofing this films seeps out of the shadows to bring forth a shallow scare filled with popcorn jumps suitable for a clammy hour of temporary creepiness, should you dare watch it with a midnight leaving time.
‘The Gallows’ is nothing out of the ordinary joining the influx of found footage films such as ‘Paranormal Activity’ ‘V/H/S’ and the groundbreaking ‘Blair Witch Project’. Although this film gains a brief buildup of suspense, the character development and acting lets down the film in terms of what could have been. With a cast best known for including Kris Jenner’s god daughter, there is no wonder why the performances are so lacklustre.
In a world of Horror Cliches, the film consists of a ‘Scream’, ‘Blair Witch’ wannabe crossover while spreading a brief homage to all the wannabe ghost hunters around the globe. ‘The Gallows’ follows a group of high schoolers as they prepare for the school's rendition of the stage performance of a play by the same name, ‘The Gallows’; a rather sinister play ending with awful repercussions back when it was first attempted in 1993. The school's drama class, consisting of the general ‘American nerd’ group and ‘Football Jocks’ revamp the play and trying to finish it finally to wipe away the shadows that overwhelm the school. However, the play itself holds it’s omens and some hoodoo that should not be tampered with, bringing forth a ride of lighting distress and the general “Look behind you”’s while being overly frustrated that the characters couldn’t break out of a paper bag with a kitchen knife.
This film shows potential for the genre as technology grows and urban legends are being revamped and brought to life within cult followings. However, we are yet to be introduced with something truly special, so don’t hold your breathe and maybe wait out to the next installment from the franchise production company that is ‘Blumhouse’. If you do manage to catch it I do dare you to stand in front of the mirror at midnight and whisper his name...
I give this film a 3/10
Reviewed by Mase Shaw - Follow Mase on Twitter @MaseShaw